Sunday, November 27, 2011

GTA Who Cares?

Well I suppose I should open this one by ackowleding that this topic is REALLY dated and kind of pointless to talk about. Having said that it is a rant that I would like to get off my chest because it is one that really pisses me off.

I'm sure we all remember all the parents freaking out about GTA a few years back. Bitching about how you could kill people, steal cars, pick up prostitutes, and, if you hack it, have on screen sex with a woman. First if your kid can run the hack to see the chick he is already looking at porn online. Second what they fail to point out is that this game teaches a valuable lesson. If you break the law the police will come after you. How is a game that teaches that a bad thing? Not to mention it is rated M anyway. If you don't want your kid to play the game don't fucking buy it for them.

Now lets look at some games that have much more kid friendly ratings and the lessons they teach. Zelda (don't specifically know which once I just know I saw it played once) if you hold a chicken and jump off of a cliff you will glide down. Though I guess if your kid is dumb enough to try it it's probably for the best. Mario if you eat mushrooms you will become huge and your entire perception of the world and yourself in it will change. While this is accurate if you good the right shrooms it still isn't a good thing to teach such young children. Final Fantasy maybe not the best example considering it is more of a teen game but I'll still use it. If you consume ether your magic points will go up and you'll be able to control fire, ice, earth, ect.

Bottom line people need to think before they start bitching about things. If your kid can't tell the difference between GTA and real life it isn't the game's fault.